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luni, 20 septembrie 2010

Lee Hong Ki unveils Simon D’s new nickname: ‘HongDae president’

On the September 19th episode of KBS2Nocturnal”, F.T. Island’s Hong Ki revealed Supreme Team’s Simon D’s new nickname.

Hong Ki shared, “In the past, many people would recognize me when I strolled along the streets with Simon D. It’s the other way around nowadays, and I feel like I’ve become his manager. That’s why his nickname is now ‘HongDae president’.

Simon D, who didn’t expect this sudden nickname, nonchalantly went on to talk about his rising fame, “I haven’t gotten any CF offers yet, but I’ve received a lot of proposals for events. Back in the day, I used to introduce myself by stating my name on the stage. Now, if I just raise my hands or nod my head, people will recognize me. I’m interested in running for more events, so please contact me.”

Sursa:All Kpop

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