Kim Hyun Joong is
absorbed in his craft

A picture of actor Kim Hyun Joong immersed deeply in the script for Playful Kiss was recently revealed, capturing the attention of many.
The picture was taken on September 27th at the filming location in Gyeonggido. Even though Kim Hyun Joong seemed exhausted, he didn’t rest and practiced his lines with his partner Jung So Min while waiting for filming to start.
A drama representative expressed, ‘Kim Hyun Joong shows the most amount of effort out of everyone on the set. At each scene, he not only analyzes the scene thoroughly, but a script never leaves his hand… he always shows a bright expression, which makes the atmosphere very amicable.‘
Kim Hyun Joong’s management company said, ‘Kim Hyun Joong has a tight filming schedule, sometimes sleeping only two to three hours a day. To thank the fans for their continued support, he will show his best acting on the show. In the future please continue to show your support and love.‘
Ratings for Playful Kiss are still hovering in the 4-5% range.
Credit: All Kpop