B2ST returns to Music Core with “Soom”
B2ST had been teasing their fans into a fevered pitch, and it all peaked today with the performance of their highly-anticipated comeback track, “Soom“.
Showing off their dynamic vocals and powerful dance moves, you could definitely appreciate them coming back in top-notch form.
The good news doesn’t stop here, as B2ST
just revealed that they would hold their first concert in December.

Credit:All Kpop
yay b2st forever love them :x cei mai buni!:X
RăspundețiȘtergerehey tot eu snt :)) stie cnv un magazin online(romania) de unde se pot cumpara tricouri sau kestii din astea cu b2st sau big bang ?:)) =x
RăspundețiȘtergereNu stiu daca se gasesc la noi :) k shi eu ash vrea albumele originale:) , pt fanii b2st si big bang .. id meu : kittygrade_luv_strawberry@yahoo.com ...
RăspundețiȘtergerek-pop is the best , am i right!!???
eu am primit aseara chestii b2st de la matusimea care a venit din japonia:x la noi mai mult k sigur nu se gasesc la noi.oricum B2ST for ever nu:x